Ode to Log Cabin Republicans

Posted: Friday, September 26, 2008

Ayn Rand is dead!

Restraint can manifest

Without castration.

See the future.

Kill yourselves!

O masochists!

Consider the pleasure

from the tip of a switch!

See the future.

Kill yourselves!

You aren't my brothers.

The forest is dark

for the trees!

See the future.

Kill yourselves!

Don't choose the statist

who'll relegate you

to a peon in shangri-la.

See the future.

End it all!

An Alban Phantasm

Posted: Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I traveled to Scotland,

where I was overcome with the mighty caber!

Just then a Glaswegian badger bit me,

and made me hungry for mutton chops

and other sweets.

I made a little piggy of myself.

Saved by my trusty Japanese horny remover,

I drifted off into a Celtic trance.


Posted: Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Knock Knock!

Who's there?


Superbunny who?


Beyond Odgoad

With the moon in the eighth house,

Under the enchantment of Cybele,
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I'll drift off to the lyre of Ὀρφεύς

Awash in the elixir of life.

Sophia will guide me,

When I am becoming.

My astral body will take flight

As I turn my back on Clio,

To follow the hymn of Maitreya

Adrift in the fullness of time.

Father, her consort, shows me
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When I am becoming.

A rite of transformation

Suspends me beyond the abyss,

Travelling from my earthly prison

Toward the celestial Pleroma.

Pistis everlasting

When I am becoming